Temper the effects of high inflation rates with the right pricing strategies and software implementations.
The way you manage your pricing is crucial when inflation rates are skyrocketing – it determines who stays profitable and who loses out on margin.
It is important for businesses to know how inflation influences their pricing policies. However, many pricing strategies are grown out of historical prices or cost-based structures. During times of high inflation, costs skyrocket for businesses. This ultimately leads to a lower or non-existent profit margin.
Businesses that are able to increase their prices effectively, are going to win during high inflation rates. They can capture profit margins that they did not capture before.
You can start with automating your prices with only invoice data or purchase prices per product.
If your cost prices increase, SYMSON can automatically incorporate this into your sales prices.
We have the 9 most important built-in pricing strategies, ready to be implemented in a few mouse clicks.
Translate your business knowledge and KPIs easily into business rules for the pricing strategies.
Use notifications when certain events happen. Learn, adjust and keep control over your pricing management easily.
A price optimisation project is a major undertaking for any company. To help you make the right decisions in the process, we have written down our best practices in this white paper.