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Smarta resultat

Den andra dimensionen används för att samla alla historiska data för att beräkna priselasticitet, kvi-produkter och lära av det förflutna.



Den första dimensionen av algoritmen tar hänsyn till relevanta makrofaktorer som väder, ekonomisk situation, geografi.

Produktguide & Custpmize AI

Den tredje dimensionen kan konfigureras för att väga din produktmarknadsposition, tävlingen, dina kunder och varumärkesposition.


Kvalitet Cockpit

Den första dimensionen av algoritmen tar hänsyn till relevanta makrofaktorer som väder, ekonomisk situation, geografi.


En överblick över våra plattformsfunktioner

Översikt Plattform
Anpassa AI
Smarta resultat
Kvalitet Cockpit
Kör förutsägelser

Skapa din vinnande prisstrategi


RRP Lists

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Customer Group Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Key Value Item (KVI) Segmenting

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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B2B Supplier Lists

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Geographical Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Elasticity

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Margin-Based Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Mark-Up Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Stock-based Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Rounding

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Within Bounds

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Discounts and Promotions

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Maximum Price Change per Period

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Compare to Supplier

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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List Price below Minimum Margin

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Large Margin Increase

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Large Cost Increase

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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