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Intelligente Ergebnisse

Die zweite Dimension wird verwendet, um all Ihre historischen Daten zu sammeln, um die Preiselastizität und die KVI-Produkte zu berechnen und aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen.


Die erste Dimension des Algorithmus berücksichtigt relevante Makrofaktoren wie Wetter, wirtschaftliche Situation und geografische Lage.

Produktassistent und benutzerdefinierte KI

Die dritte Dimension kann so konfiguriert werden, dass Ihre Produktmarktposition, die Konkurrenz, Ihre Kunden und Ihre Markenposition gewichtet werden.

Hochwertiges Cockpit

Die erste Dimension des Algorithmus berücksichtigt relevante Makrofaktoren wie Wetter, wirtschaftliche Situation und geografische Lage.


Unsere Plattformfunktionen auf einen Blick

Überblick Plattform
Passen Sie die KI an
Intelligentes Ergebnis
Hochwertiges Cockpit
Prognosen ausführen

Erstellen Sie Ihre erfolgreiche Preisstrategie

Strategien zur Preisgestaltung

Key Value Item (KVI) Segmenting

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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B2B Supplier Lists

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Geographical Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Elasticity

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Customer Group Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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RRP Lists

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Maximum Price Change per Period

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Within Bounds

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Discounts and Promotions

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Stock-based Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Price Rounding

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Margin-Based Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Mark-Up Pricing

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Large Cost Increase

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Compare to Supplier

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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List Price below Minimum Margin

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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Large Margin Increase

One tool for your whole company. Free for teams to try.

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