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Identifying Optimal Prices using Price Elasticity for La Place

Leveraging SYMSON’s Insights to Optimize Product Assortment and Set Optimal Prices for Key Products


Identifying Optimal Prices using Price Elasticity for La Place

Leveraging SYMSON’s Insights to Optimize Product Assortment and Set Optimal Prices for Key Products

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La Place


Restaurant Chain


100 - 200 M



About La Place

La Place is a restaurant chain, owned by Jumbo. La Place spans across 100 restaurants in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Indonesia and the United States.

we aim to grow together

"SYMSON’s recommendations for optimal pricing on our key products have allowed us to strike the perfect balance between competitiveness and profitability, ensuring we capture maximum value from each sale."

Pricing Challenges

  • Optimizing Product Assortment Across Clusters
    La Place faced difficulties in tailoring their product assortment to specific customer clusters. They needed to determine which products would increase sales and cater to regional demand.

  • Determining Optimal Pricing for Key Products
    La Place struggled to set optimal prices for their key products. Without accurate data, they risked overpricing or underpricing, which could negatively impact sales and margins. Finding the right balance to remain competitive while maximising revenue was a significant challenge.

  • Assortment Expansion and Elimination
    La Place needed to decide which products to expand in their assortment and which to eliminate. With such a large product range, determining the most and least valuable items was a challenge.

  • Identifying Key Value Items (KVIs)
    With a large assortment of 1,800 products, La Place struggled to identify the Key Value Items (KVIs) that would drive the most sales and match local customer preferences.

  • Balancing Permanent and Flexible Assortments
    The challenge of maintaining a balance between permanent products and flexible offerings created uncertainty. La Place needed insights into which items should be part of their core range and which should be offered seasonally or flexibly.

  • Measuring Promotion Effectiveness
    Understanding which promotions generated the most store traffic and sales was crucial. La Place needed to evaluate the effectiveness of different promotions to maximize store visitors and overall revenue.

We are now able to deliver

The right price
At the right time
To the right customer

Why La Place Invested in SYMSON?

La Place invested in SYMSON to stay competitive, leveraging dynamic pricing and assortment optimization to drive profitability and market growth.

Achieving Margin Increase

La Place needed to optimise their 1,800-product assortment, tailor offerings to local preferences, and set competitive prices for key items. They also sought to streamline promotions and better balance core and flexible products.


SYMSON provided data-driven insights that helped La Place identify top-selling products, set optimal prices, and customise assortments for specific regions. With these insights, La Place improved sales, refined promotions, and eliminated underperforming products.


Of the assortment had a margin impovement in the first re-pricing round that was sustainable


of management personnel reported enhanced decision making capabilities due to data-driven insights and assessments.

"SYMSON’s recommendations for optimal pricing on our key products have allowed us to strike the perfect balance between competitiveness and profitability, ensuring we capture maximum value from each sale".

La Place

Results of our Pricing Journey

  • Optimizing Top-Selling Products for Local Preferences
    Using SYMSON’s insights, La Place identified their top-selling products, allowing them to better align their offerings with local customer preferences. SYMSON also recommended optimal pricing for key products, ensuring competitive pricing while maximizing margins.

  • Customizing Assortments to Regional Customer Clusters
    With SYMSON, La Place was able to tailor its product assortment to fit the specific needs of each customer cluster. This customization boosted sales by offering the right products to the right regions, enhancing customer satisfaction and overall performance.

  • Strategic Product Expansion and Reduction
    SYMSON's data analysis helped La Place determine which products to expand and which to eliminate from their lineup. This allowed them to focus on profitable items while cutting underperformers, optimizing their overall product offering.

  • Establishing a Balance Between Core and Flexible Products
    La Place utilized SYMSON’s advanced tools to identify which products should remain in their permanent core assortment and which should be offered flexibly. This approach enabled them to respond dynamically to market trends while maintaining consistency in their core offerings.

  • Enhancing Promotion Strategies for Maximum Impact
    SYMSON provided valuable insights into which promotions generated the most store traffic and sales. La Place used these insights to refine their promotional campaigns, ensuring higher customer engagement and more effective sales outcomes.

Do you want a free demo to try how SYMSON can help your business with margin improvement or pricing management? Do you want to learn more? Schedule a call with a consultant and book a 20 minute brainstorm session!

Thanks to SYMSON’s real-time data and analysis, we streamlined our pricing and promotional strategies, leading to better customer engagement and increased revenue.

La Place


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