Why is a pricing strategy important for a business plan?
A business plan is a written document outlining a company’s core business practices – from products and services offered to marketing, financial planning and budget, but also pricing strategy. This business plan can be very lengthy, outlining every aspect of the business in detail. Or it can be very short and lean for start ups that want to be as agile as possible.
This plan can be used for external investors and relations or for internal purposes. A business plan can be useful for internal purposes because it can make sure that all the decision makers are on the same page about the most important aspects of the business.
A 1% price increase can lead to an 8% increase in profit margin.
A business plan could be very lengthy and detailed or short and lean, but in all instances, it should have a clear vision for how pricing is tackled. A pricing strategy ultimately greatly determines the profit margin of your product or service and how much revenue the company will make. Thorough research of consultancy agencies also show that pricing is very important. McKinsey even argues that a 1% prices increase can lead up to an 8% increase in profits. That is a real example of how small adjustments can have a huge impact!
It is clear that each business plan should have a section about pricing strategies. How detailed and complicated this pricing strategy should be depends for each individual business and challenges in the business environment. However, businesses should at least take some factors into account when thinking about their pricing strategy.
What factors to take into account?
The pricing strategy can best be explained in the marketing section of your business plan. In this section you should describe what price you will charge for your product or service to customers and your argumentation for why you ask this. However, businesses always balance the challenging scale of charging too much or too little. Ideally you want to find the middle, the optimal price point.
The following questions need to be answered for writing a well-structured pricing strategy in your business plan:
What is the cost of your product or service?
Most companies need to be profitable. They need to pay their expenses, their employees and return a reasonable profit. Unless you are a well-funded-winner-takes-all-growth-company such as Uber or Gorillas, you will need to earn more than you spend on your products. In order to be profitable you need to know how much your expenses are, to remain profitable overall.
How does your price compare to other alternatives in the market?
Most companies have competitors for their products or services, only few companies can act as a monopoly. Therefore, you need to know how your price compares to the other prices in the market. Are you one of the cheapest, the most expensive or somewhere in the middle?
Why is your price competitive?
When you know the prices of your competitors, you need to be able to explain why your price is better or different than that of your competitions. Do you offer more value for the same price? Do you offer less, but are you the cheapest? Or does your company offer something so unique that a premium pricing strategy sounds fair to your customer? You need to be able to stand out from the competition and price is an efficient differentiator.
What is the expected ROI (Return On Investment)?
When you set your price, you need to be able to explain how much you are expeciting to make. Will the price you offer attract enough customers to make your business operate profitable? Let’s say your expenses are 10.000 euros per month, what return will your price get you for your expected amount of sales?
Top pricing strategies for a business plan
Now you know why pricing is important for your business plan, “but what strategies are best for me?” you may ask. Well, let’s talk pricing strategies. There are plenty of pricing strategies and which ones are best for which business depends on various factors and the industry. However, here is a list of 9 pricing strategies that you can use for your business plan.
- Cost-plus pricing
- Competitive pricing
- Key-Value item pricing
- Dynamic pricing
- Premium pricing
- Hourly based pricing
- Customer-value based pricing
- Psychological pricing
- Geographical pricing
Most of the time, businesses do not use a single pricing strategy in their business but rather a combination of pricing strategies. Cost-plus pricing or competitor based pricing can be good starting points for pricing, but if you make these dynamic or take geographical regions into account, then your pricing becomes even more advanced!
Pricing strategies should not be left out of your business plan. Having a clear vision on how you are going to price your product(s) and service(s) helps you to achieve the best possible profit margins and revenue. If you are able to answer thoughtfully on the questions asked in this blog then you know that you have a rather clear vision on your pricing strategy.
If there are still some things unclear or vague, then it would be adviceable to learn more about all the possible pricing strategies. You can always look for inspiration to our business cases. Do you want to know more about pricing or about SYMSON? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Do you want a free demo to try how SYMSON can help your business with margin improvement or pricing management? Do you want to learn more? Schedule a call with a consultant and book a 20 minute brainstorm session!