(On September 12th to 14th, SYMSON presented as a keynote speaker and a Gold Partner at the EPP's Global Retail and E-Commerce Workshop + Forum. All three days were packed with information and insights from various brands all set to untie complex pricing knots. We learnt that the pricing leaders agreed that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence if the future of pricing. As a Gold Partner, SYMSON presented on the Topic of : Disrupting Price Strategies by using Data Science, AI, and Competitor Insights to utilize Brand value through Elasticity Models. You can watch the video here
We collectively learnt how rapidly consumer behaviours are shifting, the way market trends are fluctuating time and again and how similar are the roadblocks that most pricing leaders face from different companies. These are making it challenging for brands to be agile and keep pace with such rapid shifts when it comes to adjusting prices timely. Too much of manual work in analysis and repricing is hurting efficiency as pricing leaders need to focus on other crucial strategies as well.
However, to aid such complex issues, technology is evolving and becoming more advanced thereby ensuring high-level precision in price optimisation. AI-powered pricing platforms like SYMSON has a scientific algorithm based on proven economic models to gauge market trends and position, competitor data, inventory levels and suggest accurate price recommendations.
To know more, you can head over to our website to unlock our masterclasses on pricing strategies and principles here
To watch how SYMSON works, check out our Tutorial videos here
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